Provided that you have spoken to your GP and the surgery is happy for us to do this, we will write to request your prescription and ask that they post it on to us or send it electronically. For more information on how to nominate us for electronic prescribing, please ring our freephone number 0800 243 103 or email us at
Security is very important to us. Under the terms of the Data Protection Act, we will only use the information you provide us to process your order, contact you if we need to check any details about your prescription, or let you know about any changes to our service. We will not give or sell your information to any other company.
Our Nurse Advisor is able to answer any questions regarding your stoma or appliance, and can also contact your local NHS Specialist Nurse and arrange further support and help. Home visits can be arranged if you do not have access to a local NHS Specialist Nurse (in local area only).
We aim to provide a high-quality and speedy service, but if you would like to provide feedback, please call us on freephone 0800 243 103 and talk to the Administrator or Nurse Advisor. For further information, please contact us using our SMS text number 07464 986 747 or email
Our hours of business are 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. If you call outside of these hours, please leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible on the next working day.